Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 18 - Calling Barred Owls

The Barred Owl answered the call.

The Story - Through mutual campground friends, I discovered Debbie was able to "call" owls to her camp home.  I was intrigued - I wanted to experience it.   Using an app called iBird; this guy showed up.   We have all heard Barred owls making their distinctive hoot - "Who Cooks for you?  Who cooks for you-all"?  What I didn't know was they make several hoots depending on if they playing or courting.

At one point, even though we never visually spotted them, we could hear several owls calling and talking to one.  I am thinking they were having fun - possibly chatting about how silly we looked leaning our heads back to find them.

As I was photographing the Owl, he flew directly over head.  I moved my camera quickly, hence the out of focus shot.  What I like about the shot is it shows the Owl's wingspan.

Barred Owl, you are one awesome bird.  It was fun spending time with you.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 17 - Anticipation

OK, I know it is a strange photo - well, not really once you get to know me.  I am a list maker, planner, documenter . . . you get the picture (pun intended).  Our summer in the Cincinnati area is coming to an end:  I am entering the happy phase of Anticipation.

The Story - In The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin writes about the 4 stages of happiness -
 anticipate with pleasure, 
 savor the moment as I experience it,
 express my happiness to myself or others, and
 reflect on a happy memory.

I have always enjoyed the planning phase of a trip  Where should we go?  What should we do?  We could go here - no, let's head there.  So many possibilities, so much to explore.    Ideas are starting to flow.  

What we do know - Christmas and New Year's in Las Vegas is going to happen this year.  We were just able to make reservations for the last 2 weeks of the year in Las Vegas.   Now that should be some great people watching.  

Now to decide where to go and what to do between now and then . . . .  Aah, the Anticipation.

Day 16 - After Dinner Glass of Wine

The dinner dishes are done;  going out to join Ted for an "after dinner drink".  Out means relaxing in the chairs along side our Home watching the activity in the neighborhood (think campground) and enjoying the cooling of the night air.

And for those wondering - Dinner was chicken thighs, quinoa with portabella mushrooms, and salad.  We eat well in our home.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 15 Pizza's Done

The Story - Eating and Eating Real Food is important to us.    It just taste so much better.  Ted is the pizza chef in our family.  He likes to mix a batch of dough and keep it in the refrigerator for day's like today when it rains all day.  No grilling today.  We always have veggies and some type of cheese to add to the sought.  Tonight was sun dried tomatoes, garlic, and mushrooms.   YUM!

Day 14 - Going Local

Thanks Kyle - You pour a tasty beer.   

The Story -  When Ted and I head out to eat, we look for a local restaurants with craft beers on tab.    The General Denver in Wilmington, OH was a match.  After spending a long morning in Cincinnati taking care of business, we decided to treat ourselves with a good meal and beer.  By the time, we entered the restaurant, it was 3 pm. way past lunch time.  We both ordered the crispy chicken club special.  And was I delighted when I took my first bite.  The chicken had been cooked to order.  It was hot and juicy.   Thanks to the Chef for waiting for us.

My beer being poured by Kyle is  Dale's Pale Ale brewed by Oskar Blues Grill & Brew In Lyons, CO

Ted enjoyed an IPA brewed by Green Flash Brewing Co. in San Diego, CA.


Day 13 - The Happy Camper

The Story - Eli and his Dad came to our home to visit and play today.   We ate, we played, we got tired, and we slept.  A good day was had by all.  The story is in the pictures.

In full disclosure - I did not take the adorable picture of Eli eating the carrots or of Eli sleeping or is that passed out on my shoulder.  Ted does great with his cell phone camera.  

Day 12 - Rides always go better with Friends

Ride 4 of 62 - Xenia to Yellow Springs on the Little Miami Scenic Trail;  20 miles

The Story - It was great to ride with long time friends and riding buddies today.  When we lived in Cincinnati, one of our  favorite rides was one that includes a stop in Yellow Springs home of Antioch College.  The town takes me back in time to the laid back 70's.  Peaches Grill right on the trail is our favorite.  We recomment the wings and a pitcher of Yuengling.


Day 11 - Our first Selfie

Hanging with the most world's cutest grandson (no bias here) today and we decided to take our first selfie.  Oh, the things grand kids have you do.  

Day 10 - Clothes Dryer

Taking our morning walk through the campground, Ted looked over and commented "now that's a clothes dryer".  And after chatting with the camper, yes she had lite the fire to help dry the clothes in the muggy air.  Need I say more?

Day 9 - Eli's first taste of College life

Headed to Columbus today to check out nephew Matt's first college apartment.  It was Eli's first college apartment and come to think of it, probably Matt's first time to have a baby hang out with him.  Notice Eli is mesmorized with the TV.  They learn fast.  At least he hasn't taken control of the remote yet.  

While we were in Columbus, Sheila took us to a great Venezuelan restaurant - http://www.elarepazolatingrill.com.   The food was fresh, tasted great, and according to Josue (my Venezuelan son-in-law) authentic.    Check it out if you find  yourself in Columbus, OH.  

Day 8 - Good Find Ted

Ride 3 of 62 - Xenia to Beavercreek on the Creekside Trail;  18 miles

The Story -  Riding our bikes usually entails finding a refueling station.  We like finding a restaurant/pub for a draft beer and food.  Today we had ridden all the way to Beavercreek and were almost back to Xenia when Ted spotted this Chinese restaurant with draft beer.  Good food with several beers on draft.  http://xeniachinainn.com

Good eye Ted.

As we were riding into Beavercreek, we came to a 9/11 memorial.   It is a simple yet powerful reminder of the day's events.  Two details stood out to me.  First, there on two white columns holding the charred tower structure.  Each column has an airplane imprint depicting where the plane flew into the two towers.   Second, the timeline of the events include the point that the local community became involved.   We were near Wright P

Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 7 - Friends Helping Out

Hike - Clifton Gourge;  Clifton, OH;  2.7 miles

The Story - Meeting new people and making new friends is one of our favorite aspect of living the Full timer RV life.   For several years now, we have connected with Sheri and Karen in various campgrounds.  All 4 of us love hiking and exploring, so this time we headed off to Clifton Mills for lunch and Clifton Gourge to walk it off.

As luck would have it, I accidently brushed my lens against a railing knocking my lens cap off onto the ground below.    I am ready to leave it but good Friend Sheri persistantly worked to recover the cap.  Not only did she recover it;  she also cleaned it for me.  What a friend!  She's a keeper.

Day 6 - Ted Grills

Ted and I love to eat Real Food.  Fortunately we both love to cook.  One of our favorite techniques for eating healthy is to cook once and eat several times.  Tonight, Ted grilled chicken thighs and fresh brats.  Thanks Costco.    Add one of my salads and we have dinner for at least 3 days.  YUM!

Day 5 - Our New Home

Story - Today was moving day.  Our "new home" is in Wilmington, OH.  People often made the comment that we are homeless.  But that is not true - Ted always tells people we are house-less but not homeless.  Our home is always with us.  Or as the Escapees say - "Home is where you park it"

This site has turned out to be one of our more peaceful sites.  I refer to it as our tree house.  It is quite and well insulated by trees allowing us the luxury of sleeping in several mornings.  

Day 4 - Can You Say CORN?

August is Corn Harvest time in Ohio.  This week's home -  Tomorrow Stars Campground in South Charleston, OH is bordered on 3 sides by corn fields.

Day 3 - On Target to Ride 72 miles in October

On my 2nd ride of  Wittenburg to Buck Creek (CJ Brown Dam), I  meet Vic who rides his age each year.  This October, he will be riding 72 miles!   Now that's a  "want to do" for another year.  

Ride 2 of 62 - Villa Staging area on the Buck Creek Trail to Buck Creek State Park.  14 miles.  

The Story - By chance, Vic and I meet in the parking/staging area as each of us arrived to ride and ended up riding together on our way out to Buck Creek State Park.  As we rode, he gently told me that his bike club tells women not to ride alone.  Ted was sick today so I was on my own - with a whistle around my neck and a small vile of pepper spray.  He did plant the seed - is it safe for me to ride alone on a bike trail?   I have to admit, I started to become anxious  as I rode the trail back alone.  

The next day, I decided to check some resources - good friends who are avid riders and hang with a lot of rides.  My girlfriend said it well - "I have never been afraid of riding alone. At this point in my life, I’m not willing to let some old fart make me paranoid."  Thanks for the concern and advice Vic,  but I think I will continue to ride alone if it is the difference between riding and not riding.  Of course, the best solution is to keep Ted well and riding with me.  

Day 2 - Chow Down Bee

Today is bike ride 1 of 62.  Riding allows me to be in the moment and to slow down and see what is happening along the trail.   This ride I was enjoying the wild flowers along the trail.  Stopping to take a picture, I found this bee hungrily eating.  Can you say "honey"?

Today's ride was on the Simon Kenton Trail,  Springfield to Urbana.
22 miles 

The Story - It was on this ride that the idea of the 365.62.24 project was born.   As I was riding, I was reflecting on my birthday and thinking about some of the "I want to's" that I often talked about.  I want to take more and better photos;  I want to ride my bike; and I want to get rid of this extra weight.  And suddenly it hit me - The Power of A Year.  

If I took a picture each day - 365 days, I would be capturing memories of the year.  By focusing on at least one picture a day, I would stop and appreciate the moments throughout the day.  And by snapping pictures daily, it would motivate me to improve my skill.  I want my pictures to tell a story.

I love riding my bike;  so make it happen.  

And that extra weight I have been lugging around.  In reality, if I move more - i.e. ride my bike, hike, and walk and just eat a little less;  it should be gone in a year.  Think about it - that's 2 lbs./month.  

Happy Birthday Karen - Celebrate the Year!

I have just celebrated a new birthday which means which means for me spending some time pondering what I think of as a theme for the upcoming year.  This year is about taking action;  making some of my "want to do" happen.  You know those things, you sit around talking about doing some day.  Well this year is about DOING 3 of those things.

Being a project person, I have created the "365.62.24 hike project" to help with this year's action theme.
  • 365 - Using a camera to record memories has long been a wish of mine.  So each day, I will shot pictures of what is happening around me.   The idea is to select the one photo that tells the story of the day. 
  • 62 - I love to ride my bicycle.  I have always loved riding my bike.  I am a recreational bike rider;  no speed racing;  no extreme cycling for me.  I just love the feeling of pedaling a bike and experiencing the world around me.  Riding Rail to Trails around the US is my style of riding.  At one time, a friend gave me a goal of always be able to ride my age in miles.  At this time, I am not ready/capable of riding 62 miles in a day.  (Flash, I just celbrated my 62nd birthday.) What I can do is complete 62 rides (of at least 10 Miles) this next year.  
  • 24 - is about losing the weight I have found over the last 7 years.  I will live much better without them.  Enough said.
  • hike - is Ted's contribution or more specifically the first word out of his mouth as I filled him in  on the 365.62.24 project.
Enough yapping - on to the photos and ride post.  (Side note - I am 2 weeks/14 days into this year;  so have fun catching up with me.)

Day 1 - Tecumseh and Clark -  two sides of the story.  

The Story - I am in Springfield, OH walking in General George Rogers Clark park.  This is where the Battle of Piquia took place 8/8/1780 (note the date - 8/8 is the day I am visiting the park).    General George Rogers Clark defeated the Shawnee Indians which according to history opened the west (Ohio) to being settled.  The battle took place near the Shawnee village where Tecumseh was born.